St Michael Prayer For The Dying

St Michael Prayer For The Dying

St Michael Prayer For The Dying; Every person is affected by the fact that death is an inevitable part of existence. Because we are mortal, we must acknowledge the transience of our existence and the sacredness of the death-bed experience. Many seek comfort and direction from religious and spiritual activities when faced with mortality, whether it be their own or a loved one’s. One of the saints honored for his intervention at these crucial times is Saint Michael the Archangel, a potent representation of defense and direction in the Catholic faith.

The St. Michael Prayer is a powerful invocation, a call to arms for those facing spiritual battles. It’s a simple yet profound plea for protection and guidance, one that has resonated with Christians for centuries. But who is St. Michael, and why do we ask for his help?

The Archangel Warrior

St. Michael is depicted as a mighty warrior angel, often wielding a sword and shield. He’s seen as the leader of God’s heavenly army, the one who vanquished Satan and cast him out of heaven. In a world that often feels fraught with temptation and negativity, St. Michael becomes a symbol of hope and strength.

The Saint Michael Prayer for the Dying is an intercession made by believers to this celestial deity, asking for spiritual assistance when they or their loved ones near the end of demise. This article explores the importance of this prayer, its historical background, and its function in offering consolation and spiritual assistance when one passes from this world to the next.

St Michael Prayer For The Dying

The “Saint Michael Prayer for the Dying” is a prayer often recited by Catholics for the intercession of St. Michael the Archangel on behalf of those who are nearing death. While there isn’t a specific prayer with this title in the Catholic tradition, there are prayers invoking the intercession of St. Michael for various intentions, including protection and assistance during the time of death. Here’s a prayer that can be adapted for that purpose:

“O Glorious Prince, St. Michael, guard and protect the souls of those who are dying, especially those who will die this day.
Defend them from the attacks of Satan and his evil spirits. Be their advocate, we humbly pray, in their final hour of earthly life.
Assist them dear St. Michael, in their agony, from the evil spirits who like devouring lions, will contrive their last attack upon those suffering souls.
Behold them Great Archangel, safely through the eternal gates of Heaven. May we be faithful during our lives in venerating you, o Wondrous Saint, and implore your  powerful aid at the hour of our death. Amen”

This prayer is often recited in times of distress or danger, and it can be adapted to pray for the protection and assistance of those who are close to death, asking St. Michael to intercede for them as they prepare to meet God.


For countless people worldwide, the Saint Michael Prayer for the Dying is a ray of hope and comfort when faced with mortality. This prayer, which has its roots in centuries of faith and tradition, represents the conviction that Saint Michael the Archangel will guard us during our most important life moments.

The prayer of Saint Michael is a poignant reminder of the eternal conflict between good and evil and the assurance of divine support during difficult times, whether it is said at the bedside of a dying loved one or quietly said for oneself. May the Saint Michael Prayer, whose words are sacred to those who find comfort in them, continue to give strength, consolation, and certainty to us as we face the mystery of death.

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